sumadoratyper's log : 2023-11-24

  1. JLCPCBの3Dプリントメモ

  2. Break-in Machineのパーツ, 8111X Resinで発注した.

  3. はんだ付け。ものづくりのレベルを上げる基礎知識とコツ

  4. ルブ, マイクロアプリケータでずっとやってたけどスタビは筆でやった方がいいです.

  5. Swagkeys, 佐川配送復活予定, らしい.

  6. Swagkeys Knight Stabilizer気になるけどrestockされない. Long-poleのはあるけど.

  7. 自作キーボード関連ショップをまとめてみた|Mogma Products

  8. [KFA MARKETPLACE] Novelkey Cream Switches (90x)

    Actuated 1 million times with diamond polish. Ultrasonic cleaned, Lubed with 205g0 Bagged lubed springs with 105.


  9. Do I need to break in NK Cream Dream Switches? : switchmodders

  10. 手動Break-in, 音ゲーで使うキーだけなら1M+ Actuationsも当たり前にいけるし, タイパーなら文字キーだけは時間かければそれなりにやれる. まあ打鍵感違いすぎてキモいことになるしBreak-in Machine使うべきだけど.

  11. Harbour by Kibou with Diamond-polished Cherry Nixies on Aluminium Plate - Typing Test - YouTube

  12. Using diamond paste to polish switches - Learning and discussion / Key switches - KeebTalk

  13. 水溶性のダイヤモンドペースト使った方が良いのか? 超音波洗浄器使うなら油溶性でもちゃんと取れるとは思うけど.

  14. How to diamond polish mechanical switches | Polished MX Browns Sound Test - YouTube


    • center press for 48 hours
    • polish on ONLY the legs and leaf (yes, even for tactiles)
    • sent off to lube goblin to clean and lube
    • i tested 24-72 hours for polishing, marginal improvement from 48-72 (and also because my sanity from hearing the machines nonstop)
    • offset pressing for me provided no noticeable improvement to smoothness since the scratchyness comes from the leaf and leg contacts (some of my offset switches had a higher chance of damaged leaves and cooking the switch)
    • polish on legs and leaf only since 90% of the scratch is from these 2 components
    • rails don't provide a huge improvement, if any since the main contacts are the leaf and legs

    Hmm this is pretty different from what I do. i usually just put the paste on the stems, but i put a lot more on them. I usually break in the switches over 2-3 days manually(about 6 hours/day).

    Also i recommend using a vinegar/water mix for ultrasonic cleaning. I usually put in stems and top housings separate from the bottom housings, and have it running for around 2 hours 3 separate times, replacing the dirty water/vinegar mix every 2 hours

    Oh yeah this is just my way of Diamond polishing, since it’s still relatively new (and has somewhat of a barrier to entry) figured I’d share my process and a very condensed version of the keebtalk thread. I’ve still messing around with just putting polish on stems and bottoms rails and experimenting with timing and cleaning. I found if you let them sit in water for about 40 min most of the polish kind of lifts off and you can rinse the rest off. I’ll try the vinegar sometime too :)

    tennis ball is simpler, but inconsistent as some switches will be much scratchier than others. it can also take upwards of 700000 actuations for some switches to reach jwk levels of smoothness in my experience, for example nk creams. i guess if you rly wanted to be safe you could use both methods.

  15. NK Creamは擦過やばいのさえ解決できれば僕の考えた最強のリニア軸感あるんだよな.

  16. 手間考えたらGateron X R2やNK Dream Creamを買った方が絶対に賢かった. けどここまで来たらやり切るしかねえ.

  17. South Side Spring Collarとかいうゴミが付いてなければHMXかBSUNでEndgameできてたのになあ〜〜〜!

  18. めも:

    • ルブが塗られている場合は剥がす.
    • ダイヤモンドペーストは粒度0.5 Micron以下のものを使う.
    • ダイヤモンドペーストは水溶性の方が洗い残しがなくて良い?
      • 油溶性でも超音波洗浄器使えば何の問題もないとは思うが.
    • ダイヤモンドペーストの塗布は,
      • ステムを全体的に厚く塗る.
      • リーフとステムの接触部分が一番の問題であるため, リーフにも一応塗る.
      • ハウジングはステムに塗った分で十分だろうから塗らなくていい.
    • Off Center Pressingはリーフを破壊する恐れがある. やらないでよい, やるにしても短時間に留める.
  19. そういやDrop + Invyr Holy PandaなんかもBreak-inした方がいい打鍵感よな. そのうちやろう.

  20. このへん:

    • Cherry MX Hyperglide Brown
    • Cherry MX Hyperglide Black
    • Cherry MX Hyperglide Speed Silver
    • Cherry MX Nixie Black
    • Kailh x Novelkeys Cream
    • Kailh x Input Club Hako Violet
    • Drop + Invyr Holy Panda

    あとはまあ, いいかな. 特に思い浮かばない.

  21. Using diamond paste to polish switches - Learning and discussion #145

    Don’t know if this is a placebo or not. I just tried using my mechanical pencil to apply graphite to the friction points in the housing and the stem of a Garry switch (Gateron with cherry top). Unlubed, it is very smooth, whereas before it had smoothness of stock Gateron. This has more to do with lubrication than polishing, but I just thought I would share it.

    I will buy the polishing diamond paste right now, and see how it works out on switches.

    面白い. というかCherry + GateronでGarry Switchって用語があるのね.

  22. Garry Switches || Ogre || Half Poly Plate || ASMR Sound Test - YouTube

  23. Gateron stem + Cherry housing = less wobble : MechanicalKeyboards

  24. Frog Mini, Tape ModもSmall Case Foamもやめてみた. Clacky寄りのビルドなら全部外した方がいいのかなと思って.

  25. 今更Clickitty Clackitty Catpads欲しくなってきたけどもう舎の在庫全滅してるからWuque Studioから買わないといけなくて送料が$23^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;

  26. EmacsがNoto Color Emojiを何やっても表示してくれないんだけど, これFirefoxでも同様の問題があるからシステム/デスクトップ環境全体の問題っぽいよな. どこかでfontconfigいじったタイミングでおかしくなった気がする.

  27. 1454152 - Noto Color Emoji doesn't show in Firefox for Linux if fontconfig antialias enabled

    Clarification for anyone still seeing this issue:

    I can confirm that the issue has been fixed, however if you have the following in your fonts.conf, it will now break in a similar way as before:

    <match target="font">
    <edit mode="assign" name="embeddedbitmap">

    done. 消したらFirefoxもEmacsも直った. 感謝.

  28. というわけでEmacsのフォント設定:

    (leaf font
      ;; 0123456789
      ;; abcdefghij
      ;; あいうえお
      ;; アイウエオ
      ;; 壱弐参肆伍
      ;; 😄🤔🤗😭🤮
      (let* ((asciifont "Ricty")
             (jpfont "Ricty")
             (height 130)
             (jp-fontspec (font-spec :family jpfont)))
        (set-face-attribute 'default nil :family asciifont :height height)
        (set-fontset-font nil 'katakana-jisx0201 jp-fontspec)
        (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0208 jp-fontspec)
        (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0208-1978 jp-fontspec)
        (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0212 jp-fontspec)
        (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0213-1 jp-fontspec)
        (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0213-2 jp-fontspec)
        (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0213.2004-1 jp-fontspec)
        (set-fontset-font nil 'han jp-fontspec))
      (add-to-list 'face-font-rescale-alist '("Noto Color Emoji" . 0.85)))


  29. org-modeでのordered listの連番の振り直し, C-u 3 C-c - なんて面倒な真似しなくても任意のリストアイテムの上で C-c C-c するだけでよかった. そりゃそうだ.

  30. org-mode, dd + dd が(HTML Exportを使わないと)書けないのHTML脳的に若干困るな. いやどうせマイクロWeb日記では諸々の事情でdl要素自体HTML Export使って書かないといけないんだけど, マイクロWeb日記ではない普通の文書でも使うので.

  31. iHerbのBlack Fridayセールの-25%のPromo Code, 10k以上カートに入ってなくても使えるじゃん.

  32. Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/Day, なんか同じやつが二つある……

    Thorne, Basic Nutrients 2/Day, 60 Capsules
    Product Code: THR-00684, 4,595 JPY
    Thorne, Basic Nutrients 2/Day, 60 Capsules
    Product Code: THR-00287, 5,514 JPY


  33. とりあえずこれを一日一錠(1/2日分)飲んでおけば知らんうちに特定のビタミン・ミネラルが欠乏していたという事態は避けられると思うんだ. 断糖してるとマンガンの摂取量とか大分怪しい感じになってくるのでね. V.C, V.A, Zn, Mgあたりはこれじゃ足りないので別途服用するとして.